About Sam Buah Foundation


Sam Buah Foundation is an independent not-for-profit organisation established by Sam Buah, an experienced professional, mentor, and trainer. Sam is also a Project Manager in the UK working for Manchester Airport. Our mission is to mentor, train, nurture and provide professional opportunities to the talented, gifted, and most disadvantaged within the black and minority ethnic (BAME) community”. We give young people opportunities to help unearth their gifts and talents through various transformational and developmental schemes. Thousands of young black minority ethnics can have their lives changed entirely if presented with the right opportunity.

We have a great framework, partners, and have a highly-professional team of program managers to help achieve our objectives. Find out more about our team and the founder.

Why the Foundation
  • Setting up and running this Foundation has always been Sam’s vision
  • Sam was handed a rare opportunity years ago during his time in the UK as a black minority ethnic international student.
  • As a result, his life was transformed from a Kitchen Porter to an experienced Project Manager and an author by that one opportunity.
  • As a black minority ethnic, born and raised in Ghana, he had a chance to study in the UK despite the particular challenges he faced to come to the UK to live and settle.
  • Sam was given an opportunity to put his feet on the corporate ladder by someone who found faith in his ability and potential regardless of his inexperience and background.
  • Today, that opportunity has transformed Sam’s life’s path and allowed him to experience many beautiful things in his career to the point of writing a project management book.
  • Sam Buah Foundation is a way of giving back to the thousands of less privileged young people who may be in the same situation Sam found himself years ago, especially those from ethnic backgrounds.
  • We identify, nurture, mentor, train, coach and help young black minority ethnics to access professional opportunities.
  • Thousands, if not millions, of gifted and talented young people with the potential to become future leaders, writers, authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, and many more may never realise their potential for lack of opportunities.
  • As a foundation, we work closely with partners, charities, foundations, tertiary institutions, corporate bodies, and donors to make our mission possible
  • We work to engage all relevant stakeholders to make professional opportunities accessible and available to young people from less privileged and ethnic minority backgrounds.
Get Involved!
  • Private and corporate donors fund Sam Buah Foundation.
  • The Foundation is also partly funded by proceeds from our published book sales.